Saturday, December 6, 2008

First Blog Entry

Okay, so it's "T" minus ummm, let's see, about four months. Until what you ask? Haven't you heard? Amanda and I are going on a one year + adventure around the world! That's right. We leave April 1 - hmmm April fool's day. Maybe not the wisest day to launch such a gigantic venture, but that's the plan. Well, at least Amanda is being smarter about it as she does not depart until a little while later. She has some things to finish up at school (like exams). Regardless, I need to be in Sydney, Australia for the wedding of my good mate Stuart for April 4. Because we managed to score cheap round trip tix to Oz, we'll actually be coming home in early May which is fortuitous because I can be home with friends and family for my 40th! Yay! Then some yet-to-be-determined date after that we'll carry on our way hopping from one great destination to the next.

One important announcement for our friends is to invite anyone interested to PLEASE join us for any section of our journey that you are interested in. Believe me, there'll be plenty of alone time for us, so you won't be intruding if you want to join us, so come if you can!

Anyway, our time right now is being spent doing research, planning, spending money, putting together a rough itinerary that will avoid monsoons and tornados, etc. It's actually a lot of work, never mind trying to wrap things up here in Edmonton to prepare for a year away (getting shots, renting out our house, travel insurance, etc.) And just to add to the pressure we have found someone who wants to rent our house and who will take care of our cats (great!), but she needs to move in to our house for Dec. 10. So how ironic - we own all these houses in Edmonton, and now we're homeless! Go figure.
Anyway, for those who are interested, I think there is a way to register your e-mail address with this blog so you can be informed of new additions and that way it'll be easier to keep up to date. And no offence if you choose not to!


Anonymous said...

Mike - Very cool plan! 2 points:

First, you better come and visit me in Peru.

Second, I have subscribed to your blog via myyahoo page. Your blog is currently about 5th on my page of subscriptions behind valuable material like BBC, /. and Gigaom. If you entertain me, you will retain your position. If you do not, you will gradually be moved down the page. If that happens you will eventually end up behind the 'biotech blog', otherwise known as the wasteland of obscure subscriptions. Trust me, you do not want that.

Good luck my friend, and good travels!

Unknown said...

Nice one mate :-)

I hope it all goes well and meet you both at some point on your trip

Maybe you can post your itinerary (but keep it secure somehow so the "bad guys" can't track you down :-D)

Best Wishes - TonyM

Kouros said... may want to look into carrying one of these:

Kouros said...

As Duncan said, you guys need to work at this blogging thing. I hope the next entry is not when you're back from your trip!

Put tentative itinerary, ask for suggestions and ideas, include list of stuff you plan to take...anything, give it some meat!