Saturday, May 23, 2009


Okay, finally I've had the time to more or less work through an itinerary for our trip. This will help give people an idea of where we're going, and when. Also, we're hoping that doing so will facilitate anyone out there who'se got the travel bug to come out and join us for any portion of our trip. It would be great - really - if our friends can come out and meet us. In fact, John and Arranny from Calgary will be meeting us in Paris in mid June!

Anyway, here's what our plans look like at this point. Of course the further into the future we're looking, the less certain things are, but this should still serve as a pretty good guide.

Unfortunately this HTML editor is a bit funny, so you need to scroll waaaaay down to actually see the table I made. For some reason a ton of blank lines got inserted that I can't delete, so just scroll down to view the table...

F R O MT OD A T E (y/m/d)D A YD A Y S
Edmonton London 2009/05/27 Wed 2
London Ireland 2009/05/30 Sat 3
Ireland Scotland 2009/06/02 Tue 5
Scotland Dublin 2009/06/07 Sun 3
Dublin Paris 2009/06/10 Wed 5
Paris Zurich 2009/06/15 Mon 3
Zurich CERN / Geneva 2009/06/18 Thu 2
CERN / Geneva Marseille 2009/06/20 Sat 3
Marseille Milan 2009/06/23 Tue 3
Milan Venice 2009/06/26 Fri 3
Venice Ljubljana 2009/06/29 Mon 3
Ljubljana Zagreb 2009/07/02 Thu 3
Zagreb Budapest 2009/07/05 Sun 3
Budapest Graz 2009/07/08 Wed 3
Graz Krakow 2009/07/11 Sat 3
Krakow Warsaw 2009/07/14 Tue 3
Warsaw Berlin 2009/07/17 Fri 2
Berlin Dresden 2009/07/19 Sun 2
Dresden Koln 2009/07/21 Tue 8
Koln Amsterdam 2009/07/29 Wed 3
Amsterdam London 2009/08/01 Sat 2
London Cape Town 2009/08/03 Mon 10
Cape Town Swakopmund 2009/08/13 Thu 5
Swakopmund Windhoek 2009/08/18 Tue 2
Windhoek Okavango Delta 2009/08/20 Thu 3
Okavango Delta Chobe Natn'l Park 2009/08/23 Sun 2
Chobe Natn'l Park Victoria Falls 2009/08/25 Tue 5
Victoria Falls Malawi 2009/08/30 Sun 7
Malawi Dar es Salaam 2009/09/06 Sun 2
Dar es Salaam Zanzibar 2009/09/08 Tue 4
Zanzibar Masai Mara 2009/09/12 Sat 3
Masai Mara Serengeti 2009/09/15 Tue 2
Serengeti Ngorongoro Crater 2009/09/17 Thu 1
Ngorongoro Crater Nairobi 2009/09/18 Fri 5
Nairobi Doha 2009/09/23 Wed 1
Doha Cairo 2009/09/24 Thu 6
Cairo Aswan 2009/09/30 Wed 4
Aswan Luxor 2009/10/04 Sun 3
Luxor Cairo 2009/10/07 Wed 2
Cairo Aqabah 2009/10/09 Fri 2
Aqabah Petra 2009/10/11 Sun 2
Petra Amman 2009/10/13 Tue 2
Amman Jerusalem 2009/10/15 Thu 2
Jerusalem Damascus 2009/10/17 Sat 2
Damascus Istanbul 2009/10/19 Mon 5
Istanbul Dubai 2009/10/24 Sat 7
Dubai Delhi 2009/10/31 Sat 6
Delhi Varanasi 2009/11/06 Fri 6
Varanasi Mumbai 2009/11/12 Thu 6
Mumbai Goa 2009/11/18 Wed 6
Goa Madurai 2009/11/24 Tue 2
Madurai Colombo 2009/11/26 Thu 5
Colombo Madras 2009/12/01 Tue 6
Madras Calcutta 2009/12/07 Mon 6
Calcutta Bangkok 2009/12/13 Sun 5
Bangkok Chiang Mai 2009/12/18 Fri 3
Chiang Mai Vientiane 2009/12/21 Mon 4
Vientiane Bangkok 2009/12/25 Fri 3
Bangkok Siem Reip 2009/12/28 Mon 4
Siem Reip Phnom Penh 2010/01/01 Fri 4
Phnom Penh Ho Chi Minh 2010/01/05 Tue 4
Ho Chi Minh Hanoi 2010/01/09 Sat 4
Hanoi Halong Bay 2010/01/13 Wed 2
Halong Bay Hanoi 2010/01/15 Fri 1
Hanoi Manila 2010/01/16 Sat 9
Manila Bangkok 2010/01/25 Mon 2
Bangkok Hong Kong 2010/01/27 Wed 4
Hong Kong Shanghai 2010/01/31 Sun 5
Shanghai Nanjing 2010/02/05 Fri 4
Nanjing Xi'an 2010/02/09 Tue 3
Xi'an Beijing 2010/02/12 Fri 4
Beijing Seoul 2010/02/16 Tue 4
Seoul Pusan 2010/02/20 Sat 2
Pusan Oita 2010/02/22 Mon 4
Oita Hiroshima 2010/02/26 Fri 4
Hiroshima Kyoto 2010/03/02 Tue 4
Kyoto Tokyo 2010/03/06 Sat 6
Tokyo Washington D.C. 2010/03/12 Fri 4
Washington D.C. Buenos Aries 2010/03/16 Tue 5
Buenos Aries Montevideo 2010/03/21 Sun 5
Montevideo Sao Paulo 2010/03/26 Fri 4
Sao Paulo Rio de Jenario 2010/03/30 Tue 6
Rio de Jenario Asuncion 2010/04/05 Mon 5
Asuncion La Paz 2010/04/10 Sat 4
La Paz Lima 2010/04/14 Wed 7
Lima Quito 2010/04/21 Wed 6
Quito Bogata 2010/04/27 Tue 6
Bogata Panama City 2010/05/03 Mon 6
Panama City San Jose 2010/05/09 Sun 9
San Jose Belize City 2010/05/18 Tue 6
Belize City Cancun 2010/05/24 Mon 4
Cancun Edmonton 2010/05/28 Fri

one month back home in Canada

So we've been back home in Edmonton for a few weeks now, and it's been busy. Let's see, well, somebody turned 40 and had a bit of a party with lots of friends. Like Annett and Brent....

and Pat, Nader, and Christine....

my mom....

and even me and Amanda!

Shortly after the party our friends Daniel and Carmen who, you'll remember (if you were following my blog), we met in Edmonton years ago, and just visited in Australia last month. They were up in Edmonton for a visit. Yup - can all the way to Edmonton of all places to spend some holiday time. Cheers!

But as is tradition, we had to go for Angry Ribs...

Yup - those damn Texas Bold ribs are always to blame...


Anyway, Mike was at work for a few weeks and Amanda was fortunate enough to have one of her school projects (a lamp she designed) be chosen by a fancy lighting store in Toronto

They hope to sell these, but the problem is that she won't be around to make them. So she spent a bunch of time making up shop drawings and finding a company that can make them for her. Then there was her visit to Lethbridge to visit her gran, and my visit from Dave Swan, and our night at the theatre: "Nevermore" about Edgar Allen Poe - excellent production! So ya - it's been busy.

So what's next? Well, now that the weather here is finally nice I think we'll leave. You see, we've also been spending our time doing some trip prep. for the forthcoming sections. We've got flights to London, Dublin, Paris, and then to Cape Town in South Africa. Plus we've got a 15 journey travel pass on Eurail's network.

I also found a new company that's built a web site for people like me. They've made a web site that can track a person's journey and map it and allow posting of pics and trip updates. Check it out:

But a word of warning - their software is in beta, so it's slow and not 100% stable. Be gentle with it and click slowly. But if used properly will show our path as we continue to criss cross the globe and will show some pics.

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Axel

who is hoping to embark on an adventure of his own. He's initiating a fund raising campaign for an African charity, and to raise awareness he is planning to ride a motorbike across Canada, then across Europe and down the east cost of Africa. Check out his web site:

Monday, May 4, 2009

back in Edmonton (for a while)

We're back home in Edmonton now, but before we arrived here's how we spent our last days....

We came to Papamoa to meet up with our German - correction - make that Italian friend, Reinhold.

Even though his name is German, he would say it's Austrian. He drove up from Opotiki while we rented a car and drove from Auckland. I'm starting to get used to this driving on the "wrong" side of the road.
As mentioned, we stayed at a house owned by friends of my parents. One nice thing was that they had a laundry machine! Finally, clean clothes! No drier so we hung our stuff to dry.

According to her skills, Amanda made us a great dinner.

The next day we went to the ocean and did some boogie boarding. Check this 14 second video - the waves were HUGE.

Well, I guess they look bigger when you're actually in them.

After visiting Reinhold on April 29 and 30 in Papamoa we went back to Auckland for the night and then flew early on May 1 back to Sydney. We visited a few more famous spots...

We had a little extra time this day so we hopped on a ferry and toured around a little.
I used this ticket vending machine for the ferry. Unfortunately I only had a $50 bill, and the ferry ticket was only $4
I got my $46 change in, well, change. Ya - $46 of coins. Great. Now I know for next time.
The next day we went to a museum and then spent our dinner at a good-bye party. No - not a party for us. Our German friends Daniel and Carmen who we met while Daniel lived in Edmonton have been in Sydney for the past two years, but are now moving back to Berlin. So we joined them for their good-bye party (even though it was actually our last day in Australia, and not theirs)...
That's Daniel on the right :-)
Dinner was at this German pub / restaurant "Lowenbrau" and it was a really fun night. The restaurant had a few competitions that evening, one of which was a hammering contest. That's Amanda on the right showing us how to swing a hammer. No tap-tap-tap girlie hammering for her. Ya - smack that nail! Reno princess in action!
Not much else to report. The next day we were on planes for the18 hour trip back. My folks picked us up and now we're back home in Edmonton. For a while. We have about a month here before we head off to Europe. I guess there won't be much to say between now and then. I'll see if I can finish off my trip planning and maybe send out an itinerary. That way you can all make your holiday plans to come join us at some point!